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Hart Public Schools Bond Community Forum

Hart Public Schools is committed to providing all students with a safe and inclusive learning environment. To ensure that our facilities meet the needs of our community, we are exploring facility upgrades for ADA compliance and overall student safety. We value your input and would like to hear your thoughts on these upgrades.

Community Feedback

We invite you to participate in a community feedback session to share your ideas and suggestions. A representative from our architectural firm will be available to gather your input. 

Date: Monday, September 16th  

Time: 5 PM to 6 PM  

Location: High School Office Conference Room

Please note that the project's scope has not yet been decided, as we are in the information-gathering phase. Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our facilities.

No Increase in Millage Rates

We assure you that this initiative will not increase millage rates. Instead, it allows us to continue our current levy for two more years. We aim to make necessary improvements without placing an additional financial burden on our community.

Can't Attend? Fill Out the Survey!

We still value your input if you cannot attend the community feedback session. Hart Public Schools will be sharing a survey again in October to get feedback from the community.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in making Hart Public Schools a safe and inclusive place for all students. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas for facility upgrades.