Apple Fest Auto Show

On Saturday, September 7th, Hart Athletic Boosters hosted their 2nd Annual Car Show during the Silver Lake Apple BBQ Festival. The fundraiser is a huge event that provides sports teams, as well as individual students, a chance to help raise funds for their programs. Not only does the event help fund necessities for Hart’s athletic programs, but it is also a weekend looked forward to by the community and tourists alike.

This year, the cheer team showed up big for the fundraiser, engaging in the festival by selling raffle tickets and helping with parking. They helped raise a total of $1,133! The money brought in from the event doesn’t just profit the cheer team, but it gets distributed to all of Hart’s sports programs. Therefore, the cheer team’s willingness to help make the event a success was not just something they did for themselves but for Hart Athletics as a whole, which is a testament to their characters. Their willingness to simply get involved grows Hart sports as a whole!

Two of our own HHS students found another way to engage in the Apple BBQ festival: Aiden Dodge and Brayden Baron entered their cars for the car show, displaying their vehicles amidst numerous cars. Aiden has a 1990 Ford Mustang, and Brayden has a 1981 Chevy Corvette. Both are very nice vehicles that would only be right to display for others to see. Aiden Dodge said this year was his first year participating but he plans on going to more car shows in the future. He has always loved to go to the festival each year, and he “enjoyed [festival] very much,” this time taking part in it in a new way. It’s always fun to see students from Hart display their hobbies outside of school and take part in community activities.

HHS Students at Apple Fest